Today: Maximum Likelihood
Goal: Modify distribution parameters based on observed data
- derive maximum likelihood estimate for the exponential distribution
- derive maximum likelihood estimate for the Poisson distribution
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Maximum Likelihood
Given a data set \(\{x_{1}, x_{2}, ..., x_{n}\}\), assume an \(\text{Exp}(\lambda)\) distribution.
- Compute the value of rate parameter \(\lambda\) that maximizes the likelihood of the data set.
- Compute the likelihood at the maximum likelihood estimate (MLE).
- Characterize the top 5 percent of light bulbs.
Given a data set \(\{x_{1}, x_{2}, ..., x_{n}\}\), assume an \(\text{Pois}(\lambda)\) distribution. Compute the value of parameter \(\lambda\) that maximizes the likelihood of the data set.
Estimators Revisited
If we sample from a theoretical \(U(0, M)\) distribution, the sample maximum \(s_{M}\) of each sample is less than or equal to \(M\)
\[s_{M} \leq M\]
It would follow that the average of the sample maxima underestimates the true maximum
\[\text{E}[s_{M}] \leq M\]
Therefore the sample maximum is a biased estimator of the true maximum.
Similarly, the sample minimum \(s_{m}\) from a \(U(m, 0)\) distribution overestimates
\[\text{E}[s_{m}] \geq m\]
Therefore the sample min-mum is a biased estimator of the true minumum.
Looking Ahead
Final Exam will be on May 6